
Showing posts from January, 2025

Week 20 (Jan 27-30)

 In literacy this week, we continued working on our small-moment story.  We learned about adding sound effects, 'showing, not telling', using transition words and writing an effective ending.  In word work, we continued looking at vowel teams, this week we looked at the two different sounds oo make in words. In math this week, we continued with our different math groups.  On Monday, we will regroup our math groups again into grade groups.  This will allow the grade three's to continue with multiplication and division and the grade two's to focus on addition and subtraction skills. In Science this week, we continued exploring sound energy and forces.  The grade 2's learned how sound behaved and experimented with sound travelling through solids.  We also went outside to complete some sound mapping and observe the sounds we hear in nature and how we can tell what direction they are coming from. Important Reminders & Upcoming Events: 1. Please,  N...

Week 19 (Jan 20 -24)

 In literacy this week, we began working on writing a small-moment story. A Small Moment story is a personal narrative about an event we can turn into a story.  This week, we brainstormed and created a 'draft' or a plan for our story.  In word work, we looked at the spelling patterns that make a long I sound, /ie/ and /igh/.  We also created a word web, with the base 'light' and talked about all the words that have the base light in it and then sorted them into groups based on the patterns the students noticed. In our math groups this week, we continued working on addition and subtraction.  This week we built 2 digit numbers and added them together. In Science this week, we continued looking at sound energy and learned how sound travels through a solid, for the grade 2's.  The grade 3's learned about balanced and non-balanced forces and non-contact and contact forces.  In Social studies, we compared the culture in India and an Arctic community to the c...

Week 18 (Jan 13- 17)

In literacy this week, we focused on identifying the differences between a sentence fragment and a complete sentence.  We also unscrambled groups of words to make a full sentence and sorted sentences into their correct categories. On Friday, we discussed the importance of adding capital letters at the beginning of sentences and periods at the end.  In word work this week, we looked at the vowel teams /ow/, /oa,/ and /oe/ that all make the long o sound.   In math this week, we began our math groups again and the students worked with their groups.  In our math groups, we are all focused on subtraction and how we can use subtraction from 1-20 to solve problems.  We learned about tools such as number lines, blocks, and ten frames to help use subtraction numbers between 1-10. In social studies this week, we continued looking at India for the grade 3's and a student from our class just came back from India and shared many pictures about what he saw and did there....

Week 17 ( Jan 6 - 10)

In literacy this week, we worked on expanding boring sentences.  While reading a book about Polar Bears, we expanded kernel sentences by adding because, why and how.  In Word work, we finished looking at long e by exploring the last vowel team (ie and ei).  We also completed a word sort, listening for the long e sounds. In math this week, we looked at transformations.  We explored how shapes turn, slide and flip without changing shape or size.  We worked through different stations, exploring each transformation, translation, rotation and reflection.  On Monday, we looked at Winter counts to celebrate the New Year and record 3 important events that happened to us in 2024.  In gym and art class this week, we began our unit on floor hockey.  This week, we learned how to hold a hockey stick, how to stick handle, shoot and pass with a partner.  In Art, we looked at Tessellations, combining our math knowledge on transformations into an art piece....