Week 20 (Jan 27-30)

In literacy this week, we continued working on our small-moment story. We learned about adding sound effects, 'showing, not telling', using transition words and writing an effective ending. In word work, we continued looking at vowel teams, this week we looked at the two different sounds oo make in words. In math this week, we continued with our different math groups. On Monday, we will regroup our math groups again into grade groups. This will allow the grade three's to continue with multiplication and division and the grade two's to focus on addition and subtraction skills. In Science this week, we continued exploring sound energy and forces. The grade 2's learned how sound behaved and experimented with sound travelling through solids. We also went outside to complete some sound mapping and observe the sounds we hear in nature and how we can tell what direction they are coming from. Important Reminders & Upcoming Events: 1. Please, N...