
Showing posts from September, 2022

Week 4 Truth & Reconciliation Week

This week we spend time reading and learning about what Truth & Reconciliation means and how Orange Shirt Day came to be.  We also spend time throughout the week outside, learning some Indigenous ways of knowing and sharing a true story called " Fatty Legs".  We finished our week writing about Orange Shirt Day and what conversations and lessons throughout our week stuck with us. In math, this week we continued our study of place value and learned how and why we compare and order numbers.  The grade 3 & 4's rolled dice to see who could build the largest number and then put number in order from least to greatest and greatest to least. In Gym, this week the student played Gaga ball. It is a fast paced and active game.  We had lots of fun cooperating and learning how to dodge a ball in the gaga ball pits. Important Info: 1. Library day in Thursday 2. Please bring in headphones as we have begun to use computers  3. No school on Friday, October 7 or Monday, O...

Week 3 (Sept 19-22)

In literacy, this week we reviewed how to write a Friendly letter and wrote a thank-you letter to Parent Councial for providing us with yogurt tubs for the Terry Fox Run.  We also talked about a strategy we will be using to help us with our spelling in our writing through out the year.  GUM it! In math, this week we continued our work with representing numbers in different ways.  This week we learned about using expanded form and practiced all the 4 ways to represent.  We also began working on a fun 'Figure me out' math project.  Where students needed to create equations about different parts of their life. In gym,  this week we contined learning how to move around the gym playing tag games.  Then we completed the Terry Fox Run on Tuesday.  It was so great to see everyone out in the sunshine running for Terry.  Thank - you for all the Terry Fox donations! Looking Ahead: 1. We will learn about comparing and ordering numbers in math. 2. We will...
  Week 2: (Sept 12 -16)  Our First full week of school was a sucess!! In literacy, this week we worked on our 2 writing goals for the year.  We talked about how was can make our writing more interesting and more clear for our readers.  The students also worked on their 'brain pocket' journal writing.  In math, this week we continued to work on place value.  This week we represented numbers by building and drawing pictures with base ten blocks. We also talked about the importance of reading, saying and writing numbers.  We discussed how to say numbers into the 100 000's and practiced writing them in words. In Social Studies, we continued our work on our mapping skills.  This week we discussed the differences between maps and globes and why they are important in understanding our world.  We also talked about the reason behind maps and created our own map of the classroom.  The grade 3/4 's created a key, mapped out the classroom and adde...