Week 2: (Sept 12 -16) 

Our First full week of school was a sucess!!

In literacy, this week we worked on our 2 writing goals for the year.  We talked about how was can make our writing more interesting and more clear for our readers.  The students also worked on their 'brain pocket' journal writing. 

In math, this week we continued to work on place value.  This week we represented numbers by building and drawing pictures with base ten blocks. We also talked about the importance of reading, saying and writing numbers.  We discussed how to say numbers into the 100 000's and practiced writing them in words.

In Social Studies, we continued our work on our mapping skills.  This week we discussed the differences between maps and globes and why they are important in understanding our world.  We also talked about the reason behind maps and created our own map of the classroom.  The grade 3/4 's created a key, mapped out the classroom and added a compass rose.

In gym, this week we went into the gym for the first time.  We learned about our expectations and safety guidelines for when we are in the gym.  We also learned some fun new tag games and we practiced for our Terry Fox Run next week.

Looking ahead:

1. We will continue working on some Terry Fox writing

2. We will continue with place value, learning about expanded form

3. We will learn about mapping our country of Canada and where Terry Fox ran

Important Events:


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