Week 34 (June 2-7)

 The Ducklings have arrived!!

This week in literacy, we started our Duck Diaries on the computers.  We read several stories that we based our diaries on, The Diary of a fly, The Diary of a Worm and The Diary of a Spider, they are written from the perspective of an insect, just as our diaries are from the perspective of a duck.  The grade two's and threes have done a wonderful job writing about what it might be like being inside the egg and then what it would be like hatching.

In math this week, we began our measurement unit.  We discussed all the different ways we can measure things and where we use measurement in our daily lives.  We learned that there are standard and non-standard units, and each can be used to measure length and width.   We used our rulers and measuring tapes to measure items in nature.  We also did some Smarties math, reviewing fractions and graphing.

In science, we started learning about Living Systems, how plants and animals interact with each other.  We learned about 'off spring' and life cycles.  We focused on the lifecycle of a duck, the stages it goes through in its life.

In gym, we spend the majority of the week outside doing various relays, sack racing, egg on a spoon race and 3-legged race.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will complete some duck research.

2. In math, we will continue with measurement, looking at perimeter.

3. In Science, we will continue looking at living systems and plant life cycles.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! (Including Pokémon cards & stuffed animals)

2. Please return all library books on Thursday!!!!

3. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

4. Trickster, a Theatre company, is coming to our school next week.  Volunteers needed for our performances on Friday, June 14th.  Please sign up on the link below:


5. Healthy Hunger 


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