Week 14 ( Dec 12-16)

Happy Last Full Week until holidays!! This week in literacy, we continued our work on Event stories. Each student chose a different event in their life to write about. This week we focused on 'stretching out a key moment' in their stories and creating a 'satisfying ending'. In word work, we focused on the 2 different sounds 'oo' make in words. We completed our first closed word sort with a partner, using the 'oo' words. In math this week, we continued with our data management unit. This week, we continued to look closer at line plot graphs, analyzing them and creating some of our own using first and second hand data. We also began talking about measurement and worked on a measurement project, measuring different body parts and comparing them to our classmates by creating line and bar graphs. In Social Studies this week, we continued with our study of Peru. This week we talked about the economy in Peru, including the difference between llamas and...