Week 12 ( Nov. 28 - Dec. 2)

 In Literacy this week, we discussed another strategy of how to make our writing more interesting.  We focused on using our 5 senses and senses words to paint pictures in our readers minds as we write.  We practised this skill by planning, drafting and revising a 'walking story' about our favourite season.  In word work, we focused on the long o sound and learned 3 spelling patterns using that sound.

In math this week, we began looking at addition.  We reviewed what it means and some examples and non-examples of what addition is.  Then we worked on adding 2 -digit by 2- digit numbers and then transferred our skills to adding 3-digit numbers with regrouping.  We also talked about 2 different strategies, stacking and breaking apart. On Thursday, we worked on word problems that involve addition to practice our skills more.

In science this week, we continued our study of Rocks & Minerals.  This week, we focused on how rocks can break down into soil and identifying different properties that are found in different soil samples.  We also talked about how rocks and minerals are used in our everyday life at home, in our school and in our world.  The grade 3's have been working on a slide show showing how we use rocks and minerals daily.  Then on Friday we did an experiment to see if we could grow our own crystals, using borax and water.  On Monday, we will explore and look more closely at our crystals to see what shape they are.

In health this week, we had a special guest, Miss. Crystal.  She gave us a presentation on nutrition and healthy eating.  Each student received a granola bar that they took home today.  We used the granola bars to examine the importance of reading food labels.  Ask your child what the difference between "good" and "bad" fats are?

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. We will begin working on writing 'Event Stories' about a small moment in our lives.

2. In math, we will begin looking at collecting data and creating dot plot and bar graphs.

3. We will finish our unit on, Rocks & Minerals.  

Important Reminders:

1. No Library Day in on Thursday due to our Book Fair!!

2. Please work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Gingerbread House Night on Dec 15th

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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