Week 5 ( Oct 3 -6th)

 In literacy, this week we continued with our Autum theme.  We read and listened to some mentor texts about the season of fall and used our senses to write about how Fall makes use feel, see, taste, hear and smell.  Later in the week, the grade 3& 4's wrote about Thankfulness and gratitute for the many things that they have in their life.  We continued to practice what writing staminia looks like and sounds like in our classroom.

In math, this week our focus was on learning and practicing some math games.  This week we learned Addition War and Lucky 13.  Throughout the year we will continue to learn ways to increase our speed and accuracy of our basic facts through a varitey of games.  On thursday, we begin working with money and discussed the different values of coins and how you record money using dollars and cents.  Each group was given a bag of money and had to fiqure out the total amont of money they had.  Then we ordered and compared our totals as a class.

In gym, this week we began our bowling unit.  The grade 3 & 4's learned how to STEP, ROCK and ROLL the ball and worked with partners to knock over the pins.  We also learned a strength game to work on building strength in our muscles called GRAB the Apple.


1. We will begin In-line skating on Friday, October 14th so please bring a helmet.

2. Library Day is on Thursday

3. Picture orders are due October 10th


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