Week 7 (October 17-21)

 In Literacy this week, we completed our an advertisement for a Haunted House.  Through this assignment, the students were introduced to the writing cycle we will be using through our the year.  We will use plan-draft-revise cycle as we work on our writing throughout the year.  We will be posting our art work and our writing in the hallway to share our writing. 

In Math this week, we finished up our first unit on Place Value and Number sense by completing a quiz on Thursday. We also worked on our first word problem and talked about math mindset and how tying something challenging will help to grow our math brains.  We finished our week on Friday, with our Fluency Fridays working on making our subtraction skills quicker and more fluent.

In Art this week, we worked on blending colours using cool colours to create a nighttime background.  Then the grade 3's created their haunted houses they were writing about in their advertisements out of black construction paper.

In gym this week, the grade three's had a wonderful time learning In-line skating.  They learned how to stop and drop and how to use their heel break.  On our last day of skating, the grade three's had a disco party in the gym, skating around in the dark with disco lights and music.  It was amazing to see the growth of their skills after one week.


1. Library Day on Thursday

2. No school on Friday, PD Day

3. Weather is changing, so please remember to wear boots and coats to school.

4. Halloween Dance next Thursday, please see notice that went home today.  There is a link below to play for tickets.

Families must pay in advance for the dance and pizza through this site - emjschoolcouncil.square.site - It is not on the invitation.



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