Week 9 : Nov 7-10

 In Literacy this week, we worked on discovering poetry.  Together we read a collection of favourite poems and created a list of how poetry is different from other forms of writing.  Then we explored writing 2 different poems this week, an acrostic poem about Remembrance Day and a limerick.  We also read a short novel, 'Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes' together as a class, discussing the importance of Peace and several other Remembrance Day picture books that sparked class discussions about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. In word work this week, we reviewed long 'a' patterns and long 'e' patterns.

In math this week, be continued our study of patterns.  This week we focused on shrinking or decreasing patterns and how some patterns in our world are infinite (can go on forever) and finite (have an ending point).  The grade 3's built shrinking patterns with coloured tiles, and then we did a gallery walk around the room, exploring the different patterns. Later in the week, we transferred our knowledge of decreasing patterns into number patterns with our function machine and in and out tables.

In Social Studies this week, we continued to explore the quality of life in India.  This week we focused on the transportation and the good and services in India.  We used the computers to learn about transportation in India, created a web of what we learned and drew a 'Tuk, Tuk', which is a unique form of transportation in India.  On Thursday, we finished our tour of India by writing a letter to a family member about what they learned about India.  Look for the letter to come home next week! 

In gym this week, we continued with our basketball unit.  This week, we dribbled the ball around the gym, stopping and shooting on the net as we moved around the gym.  Then at the end of the week we played mini-games of basketball, four on four.  We talked a lot about passing, dribbling the ball and working as a team.

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. We will begin working on our 'small moment' or 'personal narrative' writing about an event in our life.

2. In math, we will work on skip counting by 5's, 3's, 4's forwards and backwards.

3. We will begin our new unit in science, Rocks & Minerals.  Learning about the different layers of the earth and how each layer contributes to the formation of rocks.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day in on Thursday

2. Dress for the Weather as it will be warming up, and we will be outside

3. Please sign up for Parent Teacher Interviews, Nov. 24 -25th

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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