Week 10: (Nov.14 -18)

In Literacy this week, we began our work writing our Walking Story, our personal narratives.  This week, we read an anchor book, The Best Part of Me, and wrote about which body part was our best and why.  We planned our ideas in a web, drafted our paragraph and revised our writing.  Also, this week, we learned about changing up our 'boring' words and adding 3 Scoop Words to make our writing more interesting.

In math this week, we focused on skip counting by 3's and 4's.  First, we explored and discovered patterns on a 200 chart when we skip count by 3's and 4's.  Then we practised counting our collections in groups of 3 and 4.  Later in the week, we learned about Ordinals and how they are the order or position of objects or numbers.

In Science this week, we began our Rocks & Minerals unit.  We brainstormed a bunch of wonder questions that the students wanted to learn about Rocks & Minerals as they looked through a variety of non-fiction books.  Then we learned about the layers of the earth and which layers rocks are formed in.  We made Plasticine models of the and labelled all the different layers.  They are currently in the school's display cases and will come home in the next couple of weeks or so.  We also looked at our rock kits and our collection of rocks and sorted them according to different attributes such as size, shape and colour.

 Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. We will begin working on another 'personal narrative' piece about our favourite toy.

2. In math, we will be completing our pattern unit and begin focusing on adding and subtracting to 1000.

3. We will continue with our unit, Rocks & Minerals.  Learning about the hardness test and how rocks turn into soil.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day in on Thursday

2. Please sign up for Parent Teacher Interviews, Nov. 24 -25th, No school on Nov. 25th

3. Gingerbread house making night notices were sent home this week.

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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