Week 17 (Jan 16- 20)
Happy Lunar New Year!
In Literacy this week, we began looking at non-fiction writing. We discussed the different types of non-fiction writing and the purposes behind them. Then we looked at non-fiction text features, things like glossaries, indexes, captions, maps and titles. Next, the grade 3's completed a scavenger hunt looking for these features in their non-fiction books. On Thursday, we began researching our favourite animal using Dash Facts, looking through books and websites to find answers to our big ideas or questions.
Looking Ahead to Next week:
1. In Literacy, we will learn how to take our notes and write them into a descriptive paragraph.
2. In math, we will begin working on time.
3. In Science, we will learn about decibels, hearing safety and do some Science centres.
Important Reminders:
1. Library Day - this Thursday!
2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's
3. Upcoming Field Trip to Studio Bell on February, 1st.
4. Please start collecting Kleenex boxes, toilet paper rolls are tin cans for our instrument building.
Happy Weekend,
Mrs. Stringer
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