Week 20 (Feb 6-10)
In literacy this week, we continued our work with Non-fiction writing. The grade 3's choose another topic and began their dash facts research. In reading, we continued our discussion about 'Connecting' with our books. This week we focused on making different connections, connections with the world, ourselves and other books we have read.
In math this week, we began another big idea, multiplication. This we learned that multiplication is repeated addition and that the multiplication sign means 'groups of'. We also learned that multiplication is a lot like repeated addition and what an 'array' is. We explored and created different arrays with coloured tiles and transferred our arrays onto graph paper.
In Science this week, we concluded our Hearing & Sound unit. We build instruments that can create a sound, change pitch and volume. The grade 3's also presented their instruments to their classmates and were wonderful audience members, asking really thought-provoking questions. We also finished with a quick quiz about all the things we learned in this unit.
In gym this week, we worked with the speed cups. Learning how to race the 3-3-3 race on our own and with a partner. Then later in the week we did some fun games called 'builders and bashers', then we built interesting designs and then did some cardio activities from a video.
Looking Ahead to Next week:
1. In Literacy, we will continue our nonfiction writing and focus on citing our sources and some kindness poetry.
2. In math, we will learn about the multiplication table and continue with arrays.
3. In Social Studies, we will learn about the Medicine Wheel.
Important Reminders:
1. Library Day - this Thursday!
2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's
3. Please return all forms for Be Brave Hockey Game Trip
Happy Weekend,
Mrs. Stringer
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