Week 21 & Week 22 ( Feb 13 - 24th )

 Due to our short week last week, I have combined the last two weeks into this post!

In literacy last week, we completed our unit on non-fiction writing.  The grade threes used a rubric to mark themselves on their writing before handing it in.  They also created a Holiday poem about Valentines, using their 5 senses. Then this week we focused our discussions and writing around Pink Shirt Day and Anti-bullying.  The grade three's wrote a poem about bulling from different perspectives, either the Bully, the Bullied or the Bystanders.  They discussed with their classmates how each person would feel, would see, and would be thinking in a bullying situation.  They then used these ideas to fill in sentences starters to create a poem.  In our reading power lessons, we continued to discuss how good author's paint pictures in our mind and we as readers need to VISUALIZE these pictures as we read.  Together we read a picture book and different students drew what they were visualizing, and we compared our drawings.

In math last week, we continued our exploration of arrays using 'bingo dobbers' to create arrays in our math journals. This week, we began exploring the times table and exploring the patterns and tricks we can use to memorize and understand our multiplication facts to 100.  The grade 3's have been creating their own multiplication chart as we go and kept it in their duatang to use as a tool when needed.  We also created an interactive documentation panel in the hallway to show our learning about multiplication.  Each day, it will be updated with new facts from both grade 3 classes.

In Social Studies these past 2 weeks, we have explored the medicine wheel and it's teachings.  We watched some videos from various Indigenous leaders explaining the medicine wheel and it's teachings.  We created a large medicine wheel on our bulletin board, and we will continue to add to it as we learn more.  We also created a mini medicine wheel in our visual journals.  As well, we read the legend of The Raven and explored the art work of Noval Morrisseau by created our own Ravens based on his style of art work.

In gym this week, we had the pleasure of learning about a new sport, Lacrosse.  The grade 3's had a great time learning about this new sport from an expert. They learned how to do tricks, pass with a partner and run relays while carrying the ball with their sticks.  We also had a fantastic time at the BE Brave hockey game on Wednesday.  It was many student's first time in the Saddledome!

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. In Literacy, we will begin some persuasive writing and learn about the 6 different syllable types in word work.

2. In math, we will learn about the 6, 7, 8, and 9 times tables in our multiplication chart and solve some word problems using multiplication.

3. In Social Studies, we will continue to learn about the Medicine Wheel and our next country on our travel, Tunisia.

4. In Gym, we will begin badminton type skills.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - this Thursday!

2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Please begin collecting recycled materials for our next science unit, building.  Specifically items such as strong cardboard boxes, toilet or paper towel rolls, plastic yogurt container and tin cans.  Please gather them at home in a bag for now, once we begin our unit we will ask them to be brought to school.

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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