Week 25 ( March 13 - 17)

 The grade 3's did such a wonderful job with the Spring Showcase on Wednesday.  It was amazing to see all their hard work in music come together.  Thanks to all the parents that were able to come and celebrate their child's hard work !

In literacy this week, we began writing another persuasive writing piece.  This week, the grade 3's had a choice between writing about their favourite book or trying to convince the parent council that they should buy us some lacrosse sticks.  On St. Patrick's Day, the grade 3's learned about Limericks.  They learned that Limericks are short, funny 5 lined poems that have a rhythm and rhyme. Also, this week we explored visualizing a character in a story and drew a character based on the author's description.  

In math this week, we continued to work on division.  This week we learned that division is like repeated subtraction and that we can use array's to show multiplication and division equations.  

In Social Studies this week, we finished our journey through Tunisia by completing our travel brochures and creating some mosaic art. 

We took advantage of the beautiful weather this week and played outside in the deep snow.  We played capture the flag and frozen critters.  The grade 3's were also very excited to build Leprechaun traps and set them up around the classroom.  Today they discovered what materials and traps worked to trap the Leprechauns and which ones did not.

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. In Literacy, we will finish our unit on persuasive writing and type up our Limerick poems.

2. In math, we will finish our unit on multiplication and division.

3. In Science, we begin our new unit on building and testing materials.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - this Thursday!

2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Healthy Hunger Lunches - Edo Japan on March 23rd

5. Please begin collecting recycled materials for our next science unit, building.  Specifically items such as strong cardboard boxes, toilet or paper towel rolls, plastic yogurt container and tin cans.  Please gather them at home in a bag for now, once we begin our unit we will ask them to be brought to school.

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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