Week 27 (April 3-6)

 A big thanks to Mrs. MacAulay who was our guest teacher this week while Mrs. Stringer was away.

In Literacy this week, the grade three's began working on narrative stories.  This week they wrote about their Spring break and a story from a picture prompt.  Then on Wednesday, they began a story called fortunately and unfortunately.  They followed the pattern that something good happens and then something unhappy happens until the problem in finally solved.

In math this week, we began looking at 3-D shapes and how they are different from 2-D shapes.  We explored their edges, faces and vertices.  We also build models of the 3-D shapes from nets to see how they fit together.

In Science this week, the grade 3's completed different STEAM tasks to continue exploring in our building unit.  This week, they built the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows and then a bridge using only 25 popsicle sticks and 2 meters of tape. They tested the strength of their bridges using a load of blocks, seeing how many it can hold.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will start writing our first narrative story.

2. In math, we will begin work on geometry, looking at polygons and angles.

3. In Science, we continue with our unit on building and testing materials.

Important Reminders:

1. Community Walk - Thursday or Friday this week

2. Library Day - this Thursday!

3. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

4. Healthy Hunger Lunches - Pop Corn on Friday, Co-Co Brooks on April 20th

5. Please bring in any recycled materials you have collected for our next science unit, building.  Specifically items such as strong cardboard boxes, toilet or paper towel rolls, plastic yogurt container and tin cans.  Please gather them at home in a bag for now, once we begin our unit we will ask them to be brought to school.

6. Our Gymnastics Unit continues.  Please remember to remove all jewellery, tie long hair back and wear comfy loose fitting clothing.  Please, no hoodies or jeans.

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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