Week 31 ( May 1st -4th)

 In Literacy this week, room 6 worked on revising and publishing their first narrative story.  The grade 3's worked on typing up their stories and creating a title page to go with their stories.  They also worked together to create a rubric that we will use to mark their stories.  The grade 3's used the rubric we made together to do some self assessment of their own stories.  In our Reading Power lessons, we began looking at our 4th Reading Power of Inferring.  We learned the Inferring is using clues from the text or illustrations that the author has left out on purpose to get their audience to think while they are reading.

In math this week, we continued to explore fractions.  This week, we focused on reading fractions, putting fractions on a number line and comparing fractions with the same denominators.  We created fractions strips by folding paper and created our own fractions strips to use next week as we explore comparing factions with different denominators.

In Social Studies this week, we began our study of our last country, Ukraine.  We learned where in the world Ukraine is and the countries and bodies of water that surround it.  We also learned about traditional Ukrainian dolls, called Motanka, from a new classmate that just moved here from Ukraine.  She brought in some traditional dolls that were made in Ukraine, and together we discussed their history and sketched them in our visual journals.

In gym, we took advantage of the beautiful weather this week and played a new sport called Pillow Polo outside.  The grade 3's played really hard and worked as a team to dribble and shoot the ball into the nets.  It was so wonderful to see how much stronger their running and shooting skills have improved this year.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will begin work on a circle story.

2. In math, we will continue to work on comparing Fractions.

3. In Social Studies, we will continue learning about Ukraine.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - this Thursday!

2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Healthy Hunger Lunches - Pop Corn on Fridays, Mucho Burrito on May 18th

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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