Week Three (Sept 18 -22)

 Happy Friday!!

It was wonderful to see all the parents and students, who were able to come to our Meet the Teacher Evening on Thursday.  It was great to meet you all!

In Literacy this week, we continued our focus on making sentences Super! We introduced the concept of 3- scoop words, which are words that make writing more interesting and exciting. The grade 3's discovered a great resource, called Banishing Boring Words, which helps them find different, more interesting words to use in their writing.

In math this week, we reviewed Odd and Even numbers and discussed why it isn't just the digital in a number that determine if it is odd or even.  It is the one place value that determines if a number larger than one digit is odd or even.  We also completed some math assessments.

In art this week, we continued our focus on the elements of art.  We discussed how the colour wheel contains primary and secondary colours and how it can help us when mixing colours. We created our own colour wheel using 'Among Us' characters.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue with 3-scoop words and introducing non-excuse words into our writing

2. In math, we will look at comparing numbers using < and > signs.

Important Reminders:

1. Terry Fox Run - September 27th (Please bring $2 for Terry)

2. Library Day - Thursdays

3. No school on Friday, September 29th

4. Please wear Orange on Thursday for our Truth & Reconciliation Assembly 

Ethel M. Johnson school is participating in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 27th on our school field from 9-9:30am. 


One of the goals of observing the life of Terry Fox and participating in this Canada-wide event is to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation.  The run demonstrates generosity and determination of those who participate in it. Toonies for Terry’ will be collected in student classrooms during the week of September 20-27th, as well donations are accepted on-line at https://schools.terryfox.ca/EthelMJohnson 


On the day of our run, please remember to dress for the weather, wear comfortable running shoes and each student is also encouraged to wear either their EMJ shirts or their color groups color. Also, a big thank you to The School Council who kindly donated a healthy snack for the students after our Terry Fox Run! 


Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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