Week Eight (Oct 23- 27)

Happy PUMPKIN week!! In literacy this week, we began working on a descriptive paragraph about a monster the students created. We began by planning the monster, adding very descriptive details using adjectives, and then we learned about Similes. The grade 2 & 3's are very excited to revise their writing and read them to their grade 6 buddies next week. In math this week, it was Pumpkin math! We used our estimating, our skip counting and our graphing skills to complete a task design project using real pumpkin seeds. First we estimated the number of seeds inside the pumpkin, then we dug them out and estimated again and compared our estimates. Then we used skip counting by 2, 5, or 10s to figure out the actual amount, and finally we created a bar graph of the data we collected from the seeds. In art and gym this week, we completed our leaf water colours and participated in our In-line skating sessions. We learned how to do drop stops and heel breaks. ...