Week Seven (Oct 16-19)

 In Literacy this week, we continued with our writing personal stories.  This week students worked through a plan, draft and then revises a story about a party they had been to.  We focused on revising our writing using the 3 -2 -1 Check it! Method.  Looking for spelling mistakes, spacing errors, changing up words and sentences to make them better.  In word work, we finished our review of short and long vowels and began talking about the vowel team ai.

In math, we learned about writing and reading numbers and completed our Place Value assessment.

In Science this week, we continued our focus on matter by looking at Solids, liquids and gasses.  We did an experiment with Jello to see if we could make all the different states of matter in one recipe.  We came up with a hypothesis and then, made and Jello and let it sit overnight in the fridge.  Then we observed it to see if it turned into a solid.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will write a spooky monster story using description.

2. In math, we will focus on Pumpkin math and data management.

3. In Word Work, we will look at other vowel teams that make a long A sound like ay.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - Thursdays

2. Please continue to return any demographic forms that were sent home

3. In-line skating on Monday, October 23,Wednesday, October 25th and Tuesday, October 31. Please bring your helmet.

4. Please remember NO toys at school including hairbrushes, Pokémon cards, stickers and Lego. Thanks!


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