Week Six (Oct 10 -13)


In Literacy this week, we continued our focus on adding details to our sentences.  We read a book called "The Best of Me" and wrote 5 sentences about our best body part and why it is our best part.  

In math this week, we continued our work with skip counting and transferred it to counting money.  We learned the different names of the coins, how much they are each worth, and used our skip counting skills to find the total value in our bags.

In Science this week, we continued to talk about matter and the properties of materials.  We tested different types of materials to see if they were reflective, waterproof, their length and weight and if they were transparent or opaque.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue writing our 5 finger stories.

2. In math, we will continue to work with money and have a quiz on place value.

3. In Word Work, we will continue reviewing long & short vowel sounds.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - Thursdays

2. Please return any demographic forms that were sent home

3. In-line skating forms will come home on Monday.

4. Please remember NO toys at school including hairbrushes, Pokémon cards, stickers and Lego. Thanks!


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