Week 26 ( April 8 -12 )

 In literacy this week, we continued our work learning about the elements and parts of narrative stories. We read various fairy tales and discussed their elements, such as the characters, setting, problem, beginning, middle and ending.  We wrote summaries about each fairy tale as a response. Then we wrote our first narrative story, from a picture, to give us a better understanding of what we need to learn about story writing.

In math this week, the grade 3's continued with their study of multiplication.  This week, we learned about the communicative property of multiplication and how arrays are a visual way to represent multiplication.  We also began looking at the multiplication chart and learned how it works.  The grade 2's continued with their work on 2 digit regrouping with subtraction.

In Science and Social Studies, we continued learning about forces. This week we learned what forces are, and how they are a pull or a push that creates movement. We experimented with, pulling and pushing cars around a track to determine what was easier. In Social Studies, we learned about traditions and celebrations in Ukraine and the locations of the prairie community within Canada, and how farming and agriculture are a large part of daily lives.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will focus on creating a problem, developing our characters and planning our story.

2. In math, the grade 2's will learn review place value to 1000 and the grade3's will continue learning about Multiplication, looking closely at the multiplication chart and beginning to learn the facts.

3. In Science & Social Studies, we will continue looking at Movement Energy, Ukraine and a Prairie Community.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

3. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before

4. Gymnastics starts on Monday, April 15th.  Please see letter in messenger.


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