Week 27 ( April 15 -18)

 In Literacy this week, we continued our work on narrative stories.  This week, we talked about character development and how we can make our characters more interesting and exciting by planning out what are character's special talents and personalities are.  In word work, we focused on reviewing the different sounds that both C and G make and how was look for the signal letters e and i to give us clues to know what sound they make.

In math, the grade 2's worked with Ms. Casey and Ms. Helen on reviewing adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with regrouping.  The grade 3's continued with multiplication and creating their own multiplication chart.  This week we learned about the 5, 10, 2, and 4 times tables.  We practised these facts with some work on paper and through games with our partners.

In Science, we continued looking at forces.  This week we explored Friction and how it is a force acting like a break on moving objects.  We completed various stations looking at how friction is used to either help with pushing or pulling or stopping it.

In gym this week, we began our gymnastics unit.  This week we focused on learning skills on the mats. First we learned how to travel in different ways, then we worked on balances and finally on Thursday we worked on creating mini routines.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue working on writing our story with a focus on beginnings.

2. In math, the grade 2's will continue to review place value to 1000 and the grade3's will continue learning about Multiplication, looking closely at the multiplication chart and beginning to learn the facts.

3. In Science & Social Studies, we will continue looking at Movement Energy, building catapults, Ukraine and a Prairie Community.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

3. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before


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