Week 30 (May 6- 10)

 In Literacy this week, we worked on writing good questions.  We compared questions to complete sentences and then wrote questions about interesting science pictures. On Thursday, we worked on fixing incorrect sentences with the correct punctuation and capital letters.  In word work, we continued looking at prefixes, with a focus on, 'pre, re and dis'.  

In math this week, the grade 2's began looking at the passage of time on a calendar.  The grade 3's continued with division, comparing multiplication to division, looking at arrays and solving word problems using multiplication and division.

In Science this week, we continued to learn about erosion through various experiments.  We also talked about different bodies of water on the Earth and how it contributes to our daily life.  We also spent some time outside, using our senses to journal what we see, think and wonder about the outdoors.  This led to a great discussion about the natural grass to Alberta vs the sod that is planted on our school's playground.

In gym this week, we completed our final portion of our gymnastics unit.  Mission Impossible!! The students moved through various stations and challenges throughout the gym until they reached the secret code.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue working on writing good questions and correcting sentence fragments. 

2. In math, we will begin looking at fractions.

3. In Science, we will learn about changes to the Earth that happen quickly, such as natural disasters.  In Social Studies, we begin to learn about the geography in Peru.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! (Including Pokémon cards & stuffed animals)

2. Library Day - Thursdays!

3. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

4. NO school on Friday- P/D day and Monday, May 20th 

5. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before


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