
Showing posts from June, 2024

Week 36 ( June 17-21)

 Happy Summer Solstice Week!!!  This week in literacy, we completed both our non-fiction paragraph about ducklings and our Duck diaries.  The students did a wonderful job taking all the facts they learned about ducks and writing them into complete sentences with their own voice.  It was fantastic to see how far their writing has changed and improved over the course of the year. In math this week, we continued our focus on time.  This week we learned how seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years are related to each other.  We also learned the different between an analog clock and a digital clock.  We discussed the purposes and the benefits of each.  We also learned the names of each hand on the clock and how we can read an analog clock to the nearest hour and also to the minute.  We built our own clocks as a tool to help us tell time, knowing where the numbers are located and how they're our 60 minutes in 1 hour. In Science this week, we continued looking at living syst

Week 35 (June 10-14)

Happy Trickster Week!! The grade 2/3's did a wonderful job on their 'Volcano' performance, In Literacy this week, we began some research about duck facts.   The grade 2/3's used websites and on-line books to learn about duck habitat, their diet, appearance and interesting facts.  Then we began taking our notes and rewriting them into an informational paragraph about ducks. In math this week, we continued learning about measurement.  The grade 3's compared the Metric system to the Imperial system and how we can use them both. The grade 2's continued using cm to measure different lengths.  Then we began discussing perimeter, the distance around the outside of closed shapes.  We draw a minecraft self-portrait and then found the perimeter of each body part. In between our Trickster practices, we took some time to take our ducklings outside into the grass.  We wrote our observations and sketched them playing and running. Looking Ahead to Next Week: 1. In Literacy, we

Week 34 (June 2-7)

 The Ducklings have arrived!! This week in literacy, we started our Duck Diaries on the computers.  We read several stories that we based our diaries on, The Diary of a fly, The Diary of a Worm and The Diary of a Spider, they are written from the perspective of an insect, just as our diaries are from the perspective of a duck.  The grade two's and threes have done a wonderful job writing about what it might be like being inside the egg and then what it would be like hatching. In math this week, we began our measurement unit.  We discussed all the different ways we can measure things and where we use measurement in our daily lives.  We learned that there are standard and non-standard units, and each can be used to measure length and width.   We used our rulers and measuring tapes to measure items in nature.  We also did some Smarties math, reviewing fractions and graphing. In science, we started learning about Living Systems, how plants and animals interact with each other.  We lear