Week 10 ( Nov 4-7)

 This week in Literacy, we looked at another form of writing, poetry. We discussed what poetry looks like and sounds like.  Then we looked at acrostic poems and how they work.  We brainstormed ideas about Remembrance Day and wrote an acrostic poem about that topic.  In reading, we continued to practice reading in our groups and choosing books for our book box.

In math this week, we continued to look at data management.  We learned about reading, interpreting and creating 3 types of graphs, a bar graph, a dot plot graph, and a pictograph.  

In Science, we continued to look at Matter.  The grade 3's learned about some definitions, evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing points.  While the grade 2's sorting materials based on their properties.

In art this week, we created poppies using Pointillism and then made ripped poppies for our wreath to share at the assembly.  In gym class, we explored different ways to move on scooters. 

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will look at making complete sentences in our writing

2. In math, we will finish looking at data management with an assessment.

3. In Science, we will continue to look at matter, the water cycle and how materials were used to build devices for different purposes.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays

3. Fall Break - No School Nov 8- 14th

4. Healthy Hunger website at www.healthyhunger.ca.  Please see the step by step ordering instructions.

Nov 21- Edo
Dec 12- Pizza Hut


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