Week 11& 12 (Nov 14 - 22)

 In Literacy this week, we focused on kernel sentences.  Kernel sentences are the basic structure of sentences, containing the who? and the what?  We built sentences using paper strips and then wrote our own sentences by looking at pictures as prompts, identifying the who and what in each picture.  In word work, we learned about a cool sound called a schwa, that kids really liked the upside down e and worked on listening for it in their reading. We also reviewed signal vowels, such as e, I, and y, that change the sound g and c make in words when those vowels are followed by them.  We also looked at the sounds that (tch) and (dge) make and looked for those spelling patterns in our reading.

In math this week, we regrouped all the grade 2/3 students into 4 different math groups.  Each math group focused on number lines and adding benchmarks, completed a preassessment on addition skills and began working on basic addition and subtraction skills.

In Science, we completed an experiment to see if we could have all 3 states of matter.  We used liquid water, heated it to make water vapour, and then put the JELLO in the fridge to see if it would turn into a solid.  Next, we learned that materials can be either natural or processed.

In Social Studies, we created passports that will get stamped as we travel around our country visiting communities for the grade 2's and around the world for grade 3's.  We also looked at a world map and identified where India and the Arctic are in the world and Canada.

In Gym this week, we focused on our basketball skills.  This week we looked at dribbling, shooting and passing.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will look at the when and where in sentences and add more punctuation. We will begin looking a vowel teams and working on our reading fluency.

2. In math, we will continue with our addition strategies.

3. In Science, we will continue to look at matter, the water cycle and how materials were used to build devices for different purposes.

4. In Social Studies, we will be looking at the climate, landforms for India & the Arctic.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays

3. Parent/ Teacher Interviews next Thursday evening and Friday

4. No school on Friday, November 29th

5. Healthy Hunger website at www.healthyhunger.ca.  Please see the step by step ordering instructions.

Dec 12- Pizza Hut

6. Book Fair in Library Dec 2-6 and during interviews (Nov 28 & 29th)

7. Parent Council Fundraiser - Mother's Pantry

8. Winter Concert Thursday, December 5th (Afternoon & Evening performances)


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