Week 9 (October 28- Nov 1)

 In Literacy this week, we continued to examine nonfiction text features. We reviewed a number of different nonfiction Bat books and read an online book about bats. Then, we created a list of all the facts about Bats, and on Friday, we wrote some nonfiction sentences about bats.  We also visited the library on Thursday, choosing our favourite books to add to our book boxes.

In math this week, our focus was on data management.  We reviewed how to make tally marks, conduct a survey, first-hand and second-hand data and how to make a bar graph.  We also looked at interpreting or reading the data from bar graphs.

We were lucky to spend some time with our grade 5/6 buddies on Friday.  We got to play some math games with them in the library and do a dance party in the gym.  In art, we talked about Diawali and completed some Rangoli art using chalk pastels.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will begin looking at poetry and write our first poem.

2. In math, we will learn about line plot graphs and how they are different from bar graphs.

3. In Science, we will continue to look at matter, its properties and how it changes states.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays

3. Fall Break - No School Nov 8- 14th

4. Healthy Hunger website at www.healthyhunger.ca.  Please see the step by step ordering instructions.

Nov 21- Edo
Dec 12- Pizza Hut


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