Week 21 ( Feb 3-7)

 In Literacy this week, we completed several writing pieces.  We also looked at expanding our sentences using, because-but-and so.  In word work, we studied more long u vowel teams, /ew/ and /ui/.  We also began our new reading groups during quiet reading time.

In math, we began our new math groups based on grades.  The grade 2's focused on reviewing mental math strategies for addition.  We learned about using math talks and then did some 'penguin 'math, moving around the room and solving for missing numbers in the snowball questions.  The grade 3's began learning about multiplication.

In social studies, we completed our study on India and an Arctic community by stamping our passports.  Each student also created a travel brochure about each country they studied.

In science this week, we looked at friction and explored its characteristics through multiple stations. On Thursday, we went on our first field trip to Studio Bell.  We had a wonderful day, full of exploring the museum and learning how to write a melody with a local Hip Hop artist, K Riz.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays (Wednesday next week due to no school on Thursday)

3. Remember to bring Food Bank donations for Kindness Month and the 100th day of school.

4. No school on Thursday & Friday next week or Monday Feb 17th (Family Day)

5. Please sign up for Healthy Hunger: https://healthyhunger.ca/

Feb 20 - Swiss Chalet

Mar 13 - Little Ceasars

April 24 - Subway

May 22- A & W

June 19 - Mucho Burrito


Megan Stringer


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