
Week 7 (Oct 11-18)

 This week in literacy, we finished up a couple of writing assignments. We wrote about what we are thankful for and why.  Then we read another story called 'Too Many Pumpkins' and retold the story, pulling out the beginning, the middle and the ending.  In word work, we continued to review diagraphs, such as 'ng' and then looked at 'magic e' words that change the vowels in words into long vowel sounds. In math this week, we continued to work on skip counting forwards and backwards.  We also looked at comparing numbers on a number line.  The grade 2's used their skip counting skills, by counting collections by 2's and then by 10's.  The grade 3's continued to use their hundreds chart to skip count by 3's and 4's to prepare them for multiplication later in the year. In Science, we continued looking at solids, liquids and gases for the grade 3's and the grade 2's and worked on identifying the different materials that are used to make

Week 6 (Oct 7-11)

 In literacy this week, we began looking at retelling a story.  We read a story called 'Pumpkin Blanket' and retold the beginning, middle and ending.  The students did a wonderful job writing sentences and drawing about what they remembered from the story.  In word work, we reviewed different digraphs, 'ch, sh, th and ck' sounds and began our reading groups, practising our 'just right' books. In math this week, we began looking at skip counting by 3's and 4's for the grade 3's and counting forward and backward for the grade 2's.  We also had some wonderful 'math talks' and discussions about what they wonder and notice in quick images and finding what doesn't belong.  Room 6 +1 excellently uses math vocabulary to express what they see and think. In gym class this week, we had our first In-line skating lesson.  It was so much fun, getting all our safety equipment on, and learning how to stand and use our heel brake to stop. Looking Ahea

Week 5 (Oct 1-4)

 This week in literacy, we focused on using our sentence-writing skills to write about the leaves in Autumn.  We gathered leaves from outside, sketched them, and then described them using adjectives. We also talked about using adjectives to make our sentences more interesting.  In Word Work, we reviewed the 'ck' sound this week, blending and spelling words with those sounds. In math this week, we continued looking at numbers and place values.  We compared numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.  We also began looking at ordering numbers, from the greatest to the least and least to greatest.  On Friday, we worked as a group in clothesline math, putting numbers represented in different ways, in order from 1-100. In Science and Social Studies this week, we built helpful classroom items, using different materials.  Then in Social Studies, looked at the parts of a map.  The compass rose and the key of legend on a map and why is it important. Looking Ahead to Next Week:

Week 4 (Sept 23-26)

 This week in literacy, we took about knowledge about complete sentences and wrote about some important events.  This week was National Truth & Reconciliation week, so after reading different stories and some classroom discussions, we wrote about that children might have been feeling in residential schools.  We also wrote about who our hero was and why, connecting to our Terry Fox run.  As well, this week, we reviewed the short vowel sounds we learned last year, building words and blending words with short vowel sounds. In math this week, we continued looking at place value and representing numbers in different ways.  We looked at writing numbers in words and continued with expanded form.  We also worked on some number strings and solved some equations, making them balance. In Science, we sorted matter.  The grade 2's sorting based on the materials that the object was made from and the grade 3's sorted based on the state of the matter, solid, liquid or gas.  In Social Studi

Week 3 ( Sept 16- 20)

 In literacy this week, we took notes on our names and created sentences about our names.  We also learned about adjectives and how they create pictures in our minds.  We read different sentences and identified the nouns, verbs and adjectives with-in each sentence.  On Friday, we completed another guided drawing and wrote about sunflowers, to celebrate the upcoming season change to Fall. In math this week, we focused on learning different math routines to help us learn how to talk about math.  One routine is called, Same and different.  Students observe images and need to explain what is the same and different about the 2 pictures.  Below is an example of this routine: In art this week, we looked at the elements of colour, comparing warm and cool colours.  We learned how to use a paintbrush to make different strokes, as well as using water to change the amount of paint on the paper.  We used these backgrounds to tell our stories about our names. Looking Ahead to Next Week: 1. In Litera

Week 2 ( Sept 9 -13)

 Thanks so much for completing that name homework with your child this week! In Literacy this week, we continued learning about what makes a complete sentence.  We looked at nouns, and action words or verbs.  We also practised combining those words with 'glue words' that help to stick our complete sentences together. In math, we looked at different ways to represent numbers.  We discussed representing them by building them with base-ten blocks, writing them in standard form and then expanded form.  We also learned about different math routines to help us understand how to talk about math. In Science this week, we began discussing what makes a good scientist and the scientific method.  We completed 2 experiments that helped us learn about the scientific method.  There were many wonderful and thoughtful ideas about their hypothesis and what they thought might happen.  Ask them about the magic milk and Skittles experiments.  In art, we began a project with our names, looking at th

Week 1 (August 29- Sept 6th)

Welcome to Grade 2 & 3!! Meeting all the students in room 7 these past 2 weeks has been great. In literacy this week, we learned about Reading STAMINA and how to read to ourselves, we created our book boxes and added our CHOICE books to our boxes. On Friday, we learned about BUDDY Reading and how to sit EEKK with our partners. In writing, we wrote in our writing journals, drawing and writing All About Me sentences.  Then on Friday, we worked on checking our sentences for capital letters, finger spaces and periods. In math this week, we built up our collection of math routines to help us start talking and explaining our math ideas.  We learned about MASH Ups, What doesn't Belong, Etsy Mysteries and addition war.  We also worked on counting collections and reviewing our skip-counting skills. In gym class, this week we focused on learning about safety in the gym and how to find their own space in the gym.  We also learned how to tag safely, using a gentle touch, tagging below the