Week 11: (Nov 21 -24th)

  In Literacy this week, we focused on a new 'walking story' topic about our favourite toy.  On Wednesday, we drafted our plan using our 'organizational drawers' to keep track of our ideas and make sure they are organized when we are writing.  The grade 3's did a wonderful job planning their ideas and then drafting them into sentences to make their story.  We focused on using our 3 scoop words to increase our vocabulary as well.  In word work this week, we reviewed long I sounds, focusing on the patterns i-e, igh and ie.

In math this week, we concluded our unit on patterns and skip counting.  The students in room 6 completed a Show what you know quiz on patterns.

In Science this week, we continued our work with Rocks and Minerals.  This week we focused on the rock cycle and the 3 different kinds of rocks.  We cut apart starburst into many different sediments and then used heat and pressure to turn them into a metamorphic rock and then into an igneous rock by heating it up again and letting it cool.  Then the grade 3's choose a type of rock and created Rock posters explaining how each rock was formed. 

In gym class, the grade 3's used the scooters this week.  Exploring different ways to move around the gym using their knees, their feet and their hands.  We played scooter tag and also learned how to play scooter handball.

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. We will begin working on another 'walking story' about our favourite season.

2. In math, we will focus on adding and subtracting to 1000.

3. We will continue with our unit, Rocks & Minerals.  Learning about how rocks turn into soil and the many uses of rocks and minerals.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day in on Thursday

2. Please work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Gingerbread House night notices on Dec 15th

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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