Welcome Back Week 16 - January 9-13.

In Literacy this week, we began with some self-reflection. We read a book called the Bad Seed and talked about how we can learn to grow and change.  Then we created a ME Tree, writing about the people who support us, the things we are grateful for and what we love.  Later in the week, we reviewed what syllables are and how many syllables are in each word.  We used this knowledge and skills to write a Haiku poem about the Birch Trees we created in art.  In word work this week, we completed a quick quiz on some high frequency words we need to know in our writing.

In math this week, we continued our study of subtraction.  This week, we reviewed subtraction with 2-digit numbers and began learning about subtracting larger 3-digit numbers.  We used base ten blocks and a place value chart to learn why it is important to regroup numbers to allow for subtraction.  On Friday, we played a game called 'subtraction stacks' to practice our basic fact fluency.

In Social Studies, we completed our study on Peru.  We learned about the great floating islands in Lake Titicaca and created a visual journal page about them.   We also finished our Peru booklet and compared our country to Peru, looking at their similarities and their differences.

In gym, we started our floor hockey unit.  We learned how to hold a stick properly, shoot and pass to a partner.  Then on Thursday, we began our first mini EMJ hockey games.

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. In Literacy, we will begin our unit on Non-Fiction writing.

2. In math, we will continue with 3-digit subtraction.

3. In Science, we will begin our new unit on Hearing & Sound.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - this Thursday!

2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Upcoming Field Trip to Studio Bell on February, 1st.

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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