Week 19 ( Jan 30 - Feb 2)


Thank-you once again to the wonderful parent volunteers who were able to attend our field trip to Studio Bell this week!!

In literacy this week, we finished our descriptive paragraph about our animal.  This week, we focused on writing an effective ending and revising our work.  Then we wrote a good copy of our report and drew a diagram of the animal.

In math this week, we concluded our measurement unit of time. We compared the units of measure, seconds, minutes and hours.  Then we worked through different activities for a minute and compared them with our group.  On Thursday, we had a quick quiz showing how you can read an analog and digital clocks.

In Science, we had a wonderful trip to Studio Bell on Wednesday.  The grade 3's learned that an instrument must have a vibration to make a sound.  They learned that instruments must be either plucked, struck, blown or electric as it's source of energy.  They explored the different levels to the sound museum and tried out different instruments.  

Looking Ahead to Next week:

1. In Literacy, we will begin writing another descriptive paragraph.

2. In math, we will begin our unit on multiplication.

3. In Science, we will build and present our own musical instrument.

Important Reminders:

1. Library Day - this Thursday!

2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's 

3. Please start collecting Kleenex boxes, toilet paper rolls are tin cans for our instrument building.

4. Winter Walk Day!!! - dress for the weather

Happy Weekend,

Mrs. Stringer


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