Week 26 ( March 20 -24)

Happy Spring Equinox!! On Monday, we listened to the words of Elder Saa'kokoto explain the importance of Spring and 'the gifts of Spring'. As we listened, we sketched in our visual journals our thoughts in pictures and words. Then we sketched and drew some beautiful crocus' or 'Ears of the Earth' to add to our classroom bulletin board. In literacy this week, we finished many writing assignments we started last week. We finished our funny Limericks and our persuasive writing by typing out our good copies. In reading power, we finished our work on visualizing and wrote picture words that helped us to visualize a picture in our minds. In Word work, we began our work on prefixes and suffixes. In math this week, we finished our work on multiplication and division. We reviewed fact families, remainders and how we can see division and multiplication in arrays. On Friday, we completed our quiz showing everything we learned in this unit. In S...