Week 24 (March 6-10th)
* Please remember our SPRING showcase concert on Wednesday, March 15th - Wear Green*
In Literacy this week, we continued our work on our first Persuasive writing piece. We focused our attention on our endings and revising our writing using 3-2-1 Check it!. The grade 3's learned that when we are writing or communicating our ideas, we need to make sure that our printing is clear, and our readers can read it. In reading, we talked about the different genres of books and how we want to fill our book boxes with different types of genres to expand our 'reading powers'. This week in word work, we focused on adding 'ed' to verbs to make them past tense. We talked about how there are different ways of adding 'ed', like doubling the consonant or dropping the e. We also learned that 'ed' can make three different sounds, it can sound like 'id, t or d' when it is at the end of a word.
In math this week, we began our journey through division. We learned the division is splitting up, sharing or grouping into equal groups. We used blocks and tiles to split up into equal groups and wrote a division equation to show what we learned. We also practised and review our multiplication facts in a multiplication chart, and will complete another chart next week to see if we improved on our facts.
In Social Studies, we continued our study of Tunisia. This week, we used our researching skills to research facts about Tunisia. Then we took our facts and created a travel brochure, prompting tourists to travel to Tunisia.
Looking Ahead to Next week:
1. In Literacy, we will begin another persuasive piece of writing.
2. In math, we will continue to look at division and how it relates to multiplication.
3. In Social Studies, we finish our study of Tunisia with an art project.
Important Reminders:
1. Library Day - this Thursday!
2. Please continue to work on your READO- home reading Bingo's
3. Spring Showcase on Wednesday, March 15th at 5:30pm - please wear green
4. Healthy Hunger Lunches - Popcorn on Friday, March17th and Edo Japan on March 23rd
5. Please begin collecting recycled materials for our next science unit, building. Specifically items such as strong cardboard boxes, toilet or paper towel rolls, plastic yogurt container and tin cans. Please gather them at home in a bag for now, once we begin our unit we will ask them to be brought to school.
Happy Weekend,
Mrs. Stringer
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