Week 30 (April 24 -28th)

Positive and Negative Space in Art In Literacy this week, we continued with our story writing. We worked on adding dialogue to our stories to make our characters talk and add interest. We also discussed adding endings to our stories so that our writing doesn't just stop, and it is tied up with an ending. On Friday, we had 3 students share their stories with the class, and we gave them some feedback on what to add or remove from their stories. In math this week, we completed our unit on Geometry with a quiz on Tuesday. The grade 3's did an amazing job, and we went over the test together. Our next focus in math is fractions. This week, we learned that fractions are equal parts of a whole, that they are not whole numbers, how to say and read fractions as well as what denominators and numerators are. We used playdoh to experiment and create equal parts of a whole before working with our papers and pencils to describe fractions. In Science this week,...