Week Twelve (Nov 20-23)

It was very lovely to speak with parents this week about the progress the grade 2 & 3's have been making this year! Thanks for taking the time to meet with me! In Literacy this week, we completed our last personal narrative story independently for assessment. The grade 2/3's did a wonderful job planning, drafting and revising their story about their BEST toy. They did a great job with their writing stamina and writing independently. In reading, we continued with our reading groups and each group did a great job this week practising their book and working on the phonics skills we learned in each small group. In math this week, we finish our work with data management. We reviewed dot plot graphs, looking at how we can analyze and read them. In Social Studies, this week we began our social studies unit of mapping. We looked at a compass rose and how we can use it to give directions and read a map. Looking Ahead to Next Week: 1. In ...