Week 16 (January 8-12)

Welcome back!!   Brr... it was a cold one this week.

In Literacy this week, we focused on using punctuation correctly in our sentences. We looked at end punctuation such as periods, question marks and exclamation marks.  Then we explored apostrophes and how we use them in contractions and to make nouns plural.  Then on Thursday, we looked at commas and how we can use them to make lists and separate our ideas in a sentence.  On Friday, we did a free write about winter and tried to use as many punctuation marks as we could.

In math this week, our focus was addition.  We reviewed what addition means, the vocabulary we use in addition questions, such as sum, adding, altogether and total, and then we practised adding with blocks.  Then we moved onto regrouping when we add.  Our grade 2's focused on adding 2-digit numbers and our grade 3's focused on adding 3-digit numbers.  We also reviewed place value and worked on our mental math addition strategies through a math talk.

In Social Studies this week, our grade 2's began looking at their first community in Canada.  They learned about the location, the climate and the clothing in an Arctic community of Iqaluit.  The grade 3's focused on the location, the climate and the geographic features of India.  The grade 2& 3's did a wonderful job working independently on the computers and sharing their learning with the class.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we look at the difference between non-fiction and fiction books and their text features.

2. In math, we will begin looking at strategies to solve addition problems.

3. In Social Studies, we will continue learning about cultures in India for the grade 3's and an Inuit communities in grade 2.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. No school on Monday, January 15th

3. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

4. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before


Jan 19 Kernals

Jan 25 Coco Brooks


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