Week 19 (January 29 - February 2)

In Literacy this week, we continued our work on writing non-fiction paragraphs.  This week, we learned how to 'hook' our reader with good beginnings and how to take our 'dash facts' we researched and put them into complete sentences.  In reading and our phonics work, we concluded our review of long vowel teams. 

In math this week, we continued our work with addition and subtraction.  We played and solved some strategy games using a number line.  The game was called, STRIKE it out!  We also reviewed how to write a number in standard, expanded and base ten block form with the number of the day math routine.

In Social Studies and art this week, we learned about the Taj Mahal and how it is important to the culture in India.  We talked about the beauty and wonder of this building.  We also talked about the line of Symmetry and how the Taj Mahal is a perfect example.  We used Miras to sketch the other half of the building.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will learn how to use "fancy fact starters' to vary how we begin our sentences.

2. In math, we will explore how to use regrouping in subtraction problems.

3. In Science, we will begin our next unit on Energy!

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

3. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before

4. Quick reminder that NO toys, are allowed at school!  Please keep them at home.

5. Winter Walk DayOur school is planning on participating in the Alberta Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 7 at 10am.  Walking is a great way to enjoy a beautiful winter day.  We will walk outside around the block with our buddy classes, on the sidewalk, weather permitting.  Students are asked to dress for the weather to enjoy the fresh, crisp Alberta air (i.e coats, mitts, boots and snow pants) while visiting with their buddies.



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