Week 21 ( Feb 20 - Feb 23 )

 In literacy this week, we focused on writing good sentences with proper conjunctions, such as before, after and when.  We read and listened to various mentor texts to write about, including a wonderful book called 'All are Welcome'.  We also focused on the 'au', 'aw' , 'oi' and 'oy' spelling patterns.  We spelled many words using these patterns, added them to our sound wall, and completed a word sort with our partners on Friday.

In math this week, we explored how addition and subtraction are related and how we can use reverse operations to check our work.  We also worked on solving some word problems and completed an assessment on our subtraction skills.  Look for addition and subtraction assessments to come home next week.

In Science this week, we learned about how our ears hear sound energy and labelled parts of the ear in our visual journals.  Then we completed some experiments to illustrate how sound behaves.  For example, sound comes from a variety of sources, how it is transferred between different sources, and how it can produce echos.  We also explored different materials to see what types of materials would work best when trying to block out or absorb sound waves.  

In gym and art this week, we had a great time learning about racket skills and even got to enjoy the beautiful weather outside.  On Friday, we learned about abstract art and began working on an art piece to represent our favourite sound using shapes and colours.  Can you guess what our favourite sounds are?

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will work on writing a poem about Pink Shirt Day and Anti-bullying.

2. In math, we will begin looking at patterns.

3. In Science, we will conclude our exploration of sound by building an instrument.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday-please wear pink 

3. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

4. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before

5. Swimming Starts on Monday - please bring bathing suit, towel in a separate bag and extra snacks for lunchtime.


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