Week 29 (April 29-May 3)

 In Literacy this week, we focused on creating and varying sentences beginnings.  We focused on making complete sentences using subordinating conjunctions, such as, before, after, if, while and although.  In word work, we began looking at words can change their meanings when a prefix or suffix is added.  This week we learned about less, ful and un.

In math, the grade 2's created a board game using their addition and subtraction skills.  The grade 3's began learning about Division.  This week, we learned that division is sharing, grouping, repeated subtraction, and it is the inverse operation of multiplication.

In Science this week, we began looking at Earth Sciences.  We began discussing how the Earth was formed and what things inhabit the surface of the Earth, such as, soil, water, plants, mountains, and rocks.  We also discussed how the Earth can change over times, such as glaciers moving and erosion.

In gym this week, the students worked through the various gymnastics stations.  They did a fantastic job, travelling and balancing on the different equipment, using their bodies in a safe and meaningful way.  They challenged themselves to think creatively and building new and different muscles.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue working on writing good sentences.

2. In math, the grade 2's will continue to review place value to 1000 and the grade3's will continue learning about division and how it connects to multiplication.

3. In Science, we will continue learning about erosion.  In Social Studies, we begin our unit on Peru and an Acadian community. 

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Library Day - Thursdays!

2. Continue with Home Reading - READO!!

3. Healthy Hunger lunches - please sign up on-line 5 Days before


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