Week 5 (Oct 1-4)

 This week in literacy, we focused on using our sentence-writing skills to write about the leaves in Autumn.  We gathered leaves from outside, sketched them, and then described them using adjectives. We also talked about using adjectives to make our sentences more interesting.  In Word Work, we reviewed the 'ck' sound this week, blending and spelling words with those sounds.

In math this week, we continued looking at numbers and place values.  We compared numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.  We also began looking at ordering numbers, from the greatest to the least and least to greatest.  On Friday, we worked as a group in clothesline math, putting numbers represented in different ways, in order from 1-100.

In Science and Social Studies this week, we built helpful classroom items, using different materials.  Then in Social Studies, looked at the parts of a map.  The compass rose and the key of legend on a map and why is it important.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will be retelling and writing about a book called the Pumpkin Blanket.

2. In math, we will continue to ordering numbers.

3. In Science, we will continue to look at matter, through some stations.

4. In Social Studies, we will begin creating our own maps.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays

3. In-line skating starts on Wednesday, please remember your helmets!!


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