Week 13 ( Nov 25 - 29)

This week in literacy, we made our sentences 'Pop', by adding in the when? We build sentences with our paper strips and then used picture prompts to write our own sentences in our journals. We also looked at a sample of writing and identified the who? the what? and the when? in each sentence. In word work, we began looking at vowel teams that make the long vowel sounds. We learned about the ay and the ai spelling pattern, also make the long A sound. In our math groups, we focused on making 10, which will help with our addition and subtraction skills. In Science, this week, we worked on looking at natural materials and how Indigenous people used natural materials to make different objects with certain purposes. Looking Ahead to Next Week: 1. In Literacy, we will look at the where in sentences and add more punctuation. We will also read some fiction stories about Gingerbread houses. We will continue looking at vowel teams and working on our reading flue...