Week 14 (Dec 2-6)

 In literacy this week, we 'popped' our sentences again by adding the where. Grades 2 and 3 did a great job putting all the kernel sentences together, wrote 3 complete sentences independently, and identified the different parts.  We also read a story called, Gingerbread Baby.  This was the first story in our Gingerbread story unit, where we will review story elements, compare and contrast different gingerbread stories and then write our own story.  In word work this week, we worked with alternative long [a]vowel sounds, like [ei], [ey], and [eigh].  We also talked about homophones, words like weigh and wait, that sound the same but are spelt differently and different meanings.

In our math groups, we continued studying addition strategies. We used a beaded number line to solve addition questions from 1 to 20. We also continue with our number routines and solving various math puzzles in the mornings.

This week, in science, we completed our matter unit, looking at reversible and permanent changes. We experimented to see what would happen if we combined baking soda and vinegar. We learned it is a permanent change or a chemical change because it created a gas, and we could hear bubbling. In social studies, we looked at the different geography and landforms that make up India and the Arctic. We also coloured in the country and community flags.  

In the gym, we began our unit on volleyball types skills.  We learned how to catch the ball, set the ball, bump the ball, and work as a team keeping a balloon up in the air.  We also met with our buddies and created a watercolour piece of art.

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

1. In Literacy, we will continue to look at fictional stories about Gingerbread characters and compare the texts. 

2. In math, we will begin looking at geometric shapes and how we can sort them.

3. In Science, we will begin looking at Energy

4. In Social Studies, we will continue looking at the climate, landforms for India & the Arctic.

Important Reminders & Upcoming Events:

1. Please, NO Toys at school! 

2. Library Exchange on Thursdays

3. Winter Market

We are continuing to receive donations for our store and will be collecting items all next week. If you’re doing some decluttering and would like to contribute, we are especially in need of gifts for men and pets (along with any other items), as well as tissue paper and gift bags to assist with wrapping.

Our Winter Market will be open for parents to browse and shop during Gingerbread Night, so feel free to bring some money! Items will be sold to students for $1.00, but parents are welcome to make additional financial donations to support our Christmas hampers and food bank charities.

Warm regards,
Ms. Peterson and the Students from Room 5

4. Gingerbread House-making night - Thursday, December 12th 

5. Spirit Days

We just wanted to let you know about some upcoming spirit days that we are having at EMJ to spread some joy and excitement during these last few weeks leading up to the winter break!

Friday, Dec 13th - Ugly Sweaters/Holiday sweaters
Thursday Dec 19th- Pajama Day 
Friday, Dec 20th- Anything Holiday/Winter Goes!- Dress in whatever winter or holiday garb you feel like to celebrate the last day before the break.



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